The Predictive Index© helps organizations make data-driven people decisions to achieve better results. Predictive Index© was developed 65 years ago, has been the subject of nearly 350 validation studies, and has conducted more than 42 million assessments.
The PI organization maintains a Science Advisory Board staffed with university professors, I/O psychologists, and other subject matter experts in psychometrics. More than 10,000 employers utilize the PI (i.e., IBM, Nissan, Citizens Bank, & VMware) worldwide across 142+ countries.
For each Search, we employ 5 components of the The Predictive Index©
Predictive Index© Client Job Assessment, which asks the hiring team to identify the desired behavioral and cognitive traits of the ideal candidate.
Predictive Index© Candidate Behavioral Assessment which is an untimed, free-choice, stimulus-response tool that measures the candidates’ drives and needs.
Predictive Index© Candidate Cognitive Assessment, which identifies the candidates' learning capacity and ramp-up time.
Predictive Index© Scoring System, which will score the candidates on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, based on their profiles and your assessment.
Predictive Index© Interview Guides which are a 3-page interview guide that provides suggested interview questions, deep diving into the candidates' strengths and areas to further explore.